- PSR-1 是组织推荐的PHP开发规范
- PSR-2 是组织推荐的代码风格
- PSR-4 是组织推荐的类的自动加载规范
- PSR-5 是组织推荐的文档注释规范
方法名采用首字母小写的驼峰方式,类名采用首字母大写的驼峰方式,方法名首词采用动词加驼峰// bad $a = 30; # 年龄 // good $age = 30; # 年龄
变量名都用驼峰// bad function calculate_salary() { // method body } // good function calculateSalary() { // method body } // bad class bizcode { // class body } // good class BizCode { // class body }
`建议`Api返回值中的字段名,是驼峰的命名方式 这个根据应用场景处理。// good $errorCode = 500; // bad $error_code = 500; // 类的成员变量 class Code { // good private $conf; // good protected $business; } class Code { // bad private $_conf; // bad protected $_business; }
// bad define('app_path', __DIR__ . '/../application/'); // good define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/../application/'); class BizCode { // bad const abc360 = 10; // good const LANDI = 20; }
- PHP关键字都小写, 常量 true 、false 和 null 也都小写
?> 结束符在文件末尾省略// bad FOREACH ($students AS $student) { } // good foreach ($students as $student) { } // bad IF ($age > 18) { // condition body } ELSE { // condition body } // good if ($age > 18) { // condition body } else { // condition body } // bad DEFINE('DEBUG', true); // good define('DEBUG', true);
创建数组时统一使用 [] 代替 array()// bad <?php echo 'Wow, non-blocking!'; ?> // good <?php echo 'Wow, non-blocking!';
if/for/foreach/while/switch/do 等保留字与括号之间都必须加空格。// bad $students = array(); // good $students = [];
在一个 switch 块内,都必须包含一个 default 语句并且 放在最后,即使空代码。// bad if($expr1){ // if body }elseif($expr2) { // elseif body }else{ // else body; } // good if ($expr1) { // if body } elseif ($expr2) { // elseif body } else { // else body; } // bad foreach($iterable as $key=>$value){ // foreach body } // good foreach ($iterable as $key => $value) { // foreach body }
所有的类都必须添加创建者和创建日期// bad switch ($expr) { case 0: echo 'First case, with a break'; break; case 1: echo 'Second case, which falls through'; // no break case 2: case 3: case 4: echo 'Third case, return instead of break'; return; } // good switch ($expr) { case 0: echo 'First case, with a break'; break; case 1: echo 'Second case, which falls through'; // no break case 2: case 3: case 4: echo 'Third case, return instead of break'; return; default: echo 'Default case'; break; }
// bad <?php namespace lib\api; /** * ApiController基类 * Class ApiController * @package lib\api */ class ApiController { } // good <?php /** * User: xxx * Date: 2019/01/20 * Time: 下午1:13 */ namespace lib\api; /** * ApiController基类 * Class ApiController * @package lib\api */ class ApiController { }namespace声明后得有个空行,use 代码块放一起且上下保留空白行
extends implements 和类声明在一行// bad namespace Vendor\Package; use FooInterface; use BarClass as Bar; use OtherVendor\OtherPackage\BazClass; // class declaration // good namespace Vendor\Package; use FooInterface; use BarClass as Bar; use OtherVendor\OtherPackage\BazClass; // class declaration
类的起始大括号单独一行;类的结束大括号必须放在正文后面的下一行上// bad namespace Vendor\Package; use FooInterface; use BarClass as Bar; use OtherVendor\OtherPackage\BazClass; class Foo extends Bar implements FooInterface { } // good namespace Vendor\Package; use FooInterface; use BarClass as Bar; use OtherVendor\OtherPackage\BazClass; class Foo extends Bar implements FooInterface { } // 其他
方法参数在定义和传入时,多个参数逗号后边必须加空格, 函数参数默认值放最后, 方法参数给能够强制指定类型的指定类型// bad class Foo extends Bar implements FooInterface { // class body } // good class Foo extends Bar implements FooInterface { // class body }
abstract, final 放在类的可见性描述符前面,static放在描述符后面// bad function fooBarBaz($arg3 = [], &$arg2, $arg1) { // method body } // good function fooBarBaz($arg1, &$arg2, $arg3 = []) { // method body }
建议函数参数尽量不要超过4个, return 返回数据类型一致// bad abstract class ClassName { static protected $foo; protected abstract function zim(); static public final function bar() { // method body } } // good abstract class ClassName { protected static $foo; abstract protected function zim(); final public static function bar() { // method body } }
// bad function foo($create_new) { if ($create_new) { return new stdClass(); } return null; } // good /** * @param bool $create_new When true returns a new stdClass. * * @return stdClass|null */ function foo($create_new) { if ($create_new) { return new stdClass(); } return null; }注释的双斜线与注释内容之间有且仅有一个空格
// bad //this is a doc // good // this is a doc
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