- 在希望利用语言本身的遍历函数便利自定义结构时,例如PHP中的foreach函数
<?php class sample implements Iterator { private $_items ; public function __construct(&$data) { $this->_items = $data; } public function current() { return current($this->_items); } public function next() { next($this->_items); } public function key() { return key($this->_items); } public function rewind() { reset($this->_items); } public function valid() { return ($this->current() !== FALSE); } } // client $data = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); $sa = new sample($data); foreach ($sa AS $key => $row) { echo $key, ' ', $row, '<br />'; } ?>
class CMapIterator implements Iterator { /** * @var array the data to be iterated through */ private $_d; /** * @var array list of keys in the map */ private $_keys; /** * @var mixed current key */ private $_key; /** * Constructor. * @param array the data to be iterated through */ public function __construct(&$data) { $this->_d=&$data; $this->_keys=array_keys($data); } /** * Rewinds internal array pointer. * This method is required by the interface Iterator. */ public function rewind() { $this->_key=reset($this->_keys); } /** * Returns the key of the current array element. * This method is required by the interface Iterator. * @return mixed the key of the current array element */ public function key() { return $this->_key; } /** * Returns the current array element. * This method is required by the interface Iterator. * @return mixed the current array element */ public function current() { return $this->_d[$this->_key]; } /** * Moves the internal pointer to the next array element. * This method is required by the interface Iterator. */ public function next() { $this->_key=next($this->_keys); } /** * Returns whether there is an element at current position. * This method is required by the interface Iterator. * @return boolean */ public function valid() { return $this->_key!==false; } } $data = array('s1' => 11, 's2' => 22, 's3' => 33); $it = new CMapIterator($data); foreach ($it as $row) { echo $row, '<br />'; }
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