#本代码获取百度乐彩网站上的信息,只获取最近100期的双色球 #http://trend.lecai.com/ssq/redBaseTrend.action?recentPhase=100&onlyBody=false&phaseOrder=up&coldHotOrder=number import urllib.request from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import random ere_hitlist = [] hitlist = [] def getSSQ100(): site = 'http://trend.lecai.com/ssq/redBaseTrend.action?recentPhase=100&onlyBody=false&phaseOrder=up&coldHotOrder=number' page = urllib.request.urlopen(site) html = page.read(); soup = BeautifulSoup(html.decode("utf-8")) hhlist = soup.find_all("td",class_="red_ball") bluelist = soup.find_all("td",class_="blue_ball") num = 0 count = 0 for tag in hhlist: global hitlist global ere_hitlist if num < 6: hitlist.append(tag.contents[0]) if count == 599: ere_hitlist.append(hitlist) hitlist = [] elif num == 6 : ere_hitlist.append(hitlist) hitlist = [] num = 0 hitlist.append(tag.contents[0]) num+=1 count+=1 num = 0 for sublist in ere_hitlist: sublist.append(bluelist[num].contents[0]) num+=1 def chooseSSQ(): hhlist = [] lhlist = [] ylhlist = ['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33'] ylllist = ['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16'] ylhrlist = [] yllrlist = [] num = 0 for curlist in ere_hitlist: for value in curlist: num+=1 for ylval in ylhlist: if ylval == value and len(curlist) == num: yllrlist.append(value) elif ylval == value and len(curlist) != num: ylhrlist.append(value) num = 0 print("红号:",len(ylhrlist),"蓝号:",len(yllrlist)) if len(ylhrlist) == 600 and len(yllrlist) == 100: lh = random.randint(0,99) lhlist.append(ere_hitlist[lh][6]) while len(hhlist) < 6: hh = random.randint(0,99) hhs = random.randint(0,5) hhlist.append(ere_hitlist[hh][hhs]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) elif len(ylhrlist) == 600 and len(yllrlist) != 100: lh = random.randint(0,len(yllrlist)) lhlist.append(yllrlist[lh]) lh = random.randint(0,15) lhlist.append(ylllist[lh]) while len(hhlist) < 6: hh = random.randint(0,99) hhs = random.randint(0,5) hhlist.append(ere_hitlist[hh][hhs]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) elif len(ylhrlist) != 600 and len(yllrlist) == 100: lh = random.randint(0,99) lhlist.append(lh) while len(hhlist) < 3: hh = random.randint(0,len(ylhrlist)) hhlist.append(ylhrlist[hh]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) while len(hhlist) < 6: hh = random.randint(0,len(ylhlist)) hhlist.append(ylhlist[hh]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) elif len(ylhrlist) != 600 and len(yllrlist) != 100: lh = random.randint(0,len(yllrlist)) lhlist.append(yllrlist[lh]) lh = random.randint(0,15) lhlist.append(ylllist[lh]) while len(hhlist) < 3: hh = random.randint(0,len(ylhrlist)) hhlist.append(ylhrlist[hh]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) while len(hhlist) < 6: hh = random.randint(0,len(ylhlist)) hhlist.append(ylhlist[hh]) hhlist = list(set(hhlist)) print("根据前100期双色球中奖号码,本人预测下一期中奖号码是,红号:",hhlist,",蓝号:",lhlist) if __name__ == '__main__': getSSQ100() chooseSSQ()