#coding:utf-8 ''' Created on Aug 31, 2015 @author: mac ''' import os,time,sys def remove(path): """ Remove the file or directory """ if os.path.isdir(path): try: os.rmdir(path) except OSError,e: print "Unable to remove folder: %s"%path print "The Detail error is: %s"%e.getMessage() else: try: if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) except OSError,e: print "Unable to remove file: %s"%path print "The Detail error is: %s"%e.getMessage() def cleanup(number_of_days,path): """ Removes files from the passed in path that are older than or equal to the number_of_days """ time_in_sec=time.time()-(number_of_days*24*60*60) for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path,topdown=False): for file_ in files: full_path=os.path.join(root,file_) stat=os.stat(full_path) if stat.st_mtime<=time_in_sec: remove(full_path) if not os.listdir(root): remove(root) if __name__ == '__main__': days, path = int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2] cleanup(days, path)