#A star algorithm def euclid_distance(startp, endp): """Euclid distance""" return ((startp[0] - endp[0]) ** 2 + (startp[1] - endp[1]) ** 2) ** 0.500 def manhattan_distance(startp, endp): """Manhattan distance""" return abs(startp[0] - endp[0]) + abs(startp[1] - endp[1]) def surround(point): """Return the coordinations of surrounding points""" return [(point[0] + 1, point[1]), (point[0], point[1] + 1), (point[0] - 1, point[1]), (point[0], point[1] - 1)] def filtering(points, barrier, closed_list): """Filter points not in barrier""" return filter(lambda x: x not in barrier and x not in closed_list, points) def astar(mapsize, barrier, startp, endp): """param: mapsize: length and height of the map barrier: coordination of barrier """ if endp in barrier or startp in barrier: print("No optimal path found, startp or endp is in barriers") return None g_mat = {} h_mat = {} f_mat = {} path = {} length, height = mapsize open_list = [] closed_list = [] optimal_path = [] current = startp #------------------------step 1------------------------------ closed_list.append(startp) #------------------------step 2------------------------------ start_sur = list(filtering(surround(startp), barrier, closed_list)) if (start_sur == []): print ("No optimal path found") return None g_mat = g_mat.fromkeys(start_sur, 1) for i in start_sur: h_mat[i] = manhattan_distance(i, endp) f_mat[i] = g_mat.get(i) + h_mat.get(i) path[i] = startp open_list.extend(start_sur) #No use #------------------------step 3------------------------------ while(True): if (open_list == None): print("No optimal path found") break if endp in closed_list: print("Optimal path found") path_point = endp while(path_point != startp): optimal_path.append(path_point) path_point = path.get(path_point) optimal_path.append(startp) return list(reversed(optimal_path)) min_f = min(f_mat.values()) target = [k for k in f_mat.keys() if (f_mat[k] == min_f)] last_target = target[-1] closed_list.append(last_target) del f_mat[last_target] #------------------------step 4------------------------------ current = last_target cur_sur = filtering(surround(current), barrier, closed_list) for i in cur_sur: path[i] = current g_mat[i] = g_mat.get(last_target) + 1 h_mat[i] = manhattan_distance(i, endp) f_mat[i] = g_mat.get(i) + h_mat.get(i) op = astar((5,5), [(3, 2), (3, 4), (4, 3)], (3, 3), (3, 5)) print(op)