<% ' Copyright (c) 2009, reusablecode.blogspot.com; some rights reserved. ' ' This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view ' a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or ' send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California ' 94305, USA. ' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundex ' Calculate soundex code for entire strings, and soundex digits for individual characters. ' REQUIRES: str_pad() function soundex(someString) dim result ' Rather than write a separate function to convert consonants to digits, I decided to overload the soundex function. if len(someString) = 1 then ' Calculate soundex digit for an individual character. select case lcase(someString) case "b", "f", "p", "v" soundex = "1" case "c", "g", "j", "k", "q", "s", "x", "z" soundex = "2" case "d", "t" soundex = "3" case "l" soundex = "4" case "m", "n" soundex = "5" case "r" soundex = "6" case else ' Remove vowels right away instead of during a later step. soundex = "" end select else ' Calculate soundex code for an entire string. ' The first letter remains intact. result = ucase(left(someString, 1)) ' Replace consonants with digits and remove vowels. for i = 2 to Len(someString) result = result & soundex(mid(someString, i, 1)) next ' Collapse adjacent identical digits into a single digit of that value. for i = 1 to 6 do until inStr(result, cStr(i & i)) = 0 result = replace(result, cStr(i & i), cStr(i)) loop next ' Return the starting letter and the first three remaining digits. ' If needed, append zeroes to make it a letter and three digits. soundex = str_pad(left(result, 4), 4, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT) end if end function %>