Attribute VB_Name = "reportcreate20130804" 'All Rights Reserved Deserved by 蓝宝石的傻话 Dim daq() As Variant Dim dran() Dim tran() '定义函数统计每个数据表的情况 Function data_q(msheet As Worksheet, dnum As Variant, tname As Variant, dcode As Variant, dstatus As Variant) dhead = Array("序号", "管理类型码", "单证名称", "流水号", "状态", "机构代码") ReDim daq(UBound(dstatus), UBound(dnum)) ' 初始化二维数组数据为0 For i = 0 To (UBound(dnum) - LBound(dnum)) For j = 0 To (UBound(dstatus) - LBound(dstatus)) daq(j, i) = 0 Next Next '定义表6统计每个数据包的报废流水号,首先定义列数 r6 = 1 For i = 0 To Sheet6.UsedRange.Columns.Count If Len(Sheet6.Cells(1, r6)) <> 0 Then r6 = r6 + 1 End If Next '载入数据表并且选择当前数据表 msheet.Select '如果数据表中第一列不是序号,则插入序号列 If Cells(1, 1).Value <> dhead(0) Then Columns(1).Insert Cells(1, 1).Value = dhead(0) End If ReDim dran(UBound(dhead)) For x = 1 To msheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count '统计选择的清单数据,第一步、把统计项目的对应列值整理出来 For i = 0 To (UBound(dhead) - LBound(dhead)) If InStr(Cells(1, x), dhead(i)) Then dran(i) = x End If Next Next '统计清单上各项目的状态值 For y = 2 To msheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).NumberFormatLocal = "@" msheet.Cells(y, dran(5)).NumberFormatLocal = "@" '需要统计的项目 For b = 0 To (UBound(dnum) - LBound(dnum)) '需要统计的状态 For a = 0 To (UBound(dstatus) - LBound(dstatus)) If InStr(msheet.Cells(y, dran(1)), dnum(b)) And (msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).Value = dstatus(a) Or msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).Value = dcode(a)) Then '统计每个项目每个状态的数量,并填入序号 daq(a, b) = daq(a, b) + 1 Cells(y, 1).Value = daq(a, b) '针对统计的项目在表6中生成对应的列 Sheet6.Cells(1, r6 + b).Value = tname(b) '统计作废的流水号并填入表6 If InStr(msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)), "作废") Or msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).Value = dcode(2) Or msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).Value = dcode(3) Or msheet.Cells(y, dran(4)).Value = dcode(8) Then Sheet6.Cells(2, r6 + b).Value = daq(2, b) + daq(3, b) + daq(8, b) Sheet6.Cells(daq(a, b) + 2, r6 + b).NumberFormatLocal = "@" Sheet6.Cells(daq(a, b) + 2, r6 + b).Value = msheet.Cells(y, dran(3)).Value End If End If Next Next Next End Function '统计报表1的数据写入 Function data_write(tname As Variant) '留作自动化报表使用(未编写) 'thead = Array("(1)月初库存", "(2)当月领用", "(3)正常使用", "(4)作废", "(5)遗失", "(7)月末实物库存") Sheet1.Select '将清单一的数据统计人工回收和系统回收相加,人工作废和作废相加后的数据写入报表 For y = 1 To Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count For i = 0 To (UBound(tname) - LBound(tname)) If Cells(y, 1).Value = tname(i) Then Sheet1.Cells(y, 2) = Sheet1.Cells(y, 10) Sheet1.Cells(y, 4).Value = daq(0, i) + daq(1, i) + daq(6, i) + daq(7, i) Sheet1.Cells(y, 5).Value = daq(2, i) + daq(3, i) + daq(8, i) Sheet1.Cells(y, 6).Value = daq(4, i) + daq(5, i) End If Next Next End Function Function data2_write(dnum As Variant, tname As Variant, dstatus As Variant) thead = Array("管理类型码", "单证名称", "版本号", "数量", "状态") Sheet2.Select '统计清单一数据第一步,把统计项目的对应列值扫出来 ReDim tran(UBound(thead)) For x = 1 To Sheet2.UsedRange.Columns.Count For i = 0 To (UBound(thead) - LBound(thead)) If InStr(Cells(1, x), thead(i)) Then tran(i) = x End If Next Next '定义表2统计每个数据包的报废流水号,首先定义列数 r2 = 1 For i = 1 To Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count r2 = i Next MsgBox r2 '将数据表统计出来的状态分类填写 'MsgBox UBound(dnum) For i = 0 To (UBound(dnum) - LBound(dnum)) For j = 0 To (UBound(dstatus) - LBound(dstatus)) If InStr(tname(i), "外包") = 0 Then For y = 1 To Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count If Sheet2.Cells(y, tran(0)).Value = dnum(i) And Sheet2.Cells(y, tran(4)).Value = dstatus(j) Then Sheet2.Cells(y, tran(3)).Value = daq(j, i) End If Next ElseIf daq(j, i) <> 0 And InStr(tname(i), "外包") Then ' MsgBox InStr(tname(i), "外包") r2 = r2 + 1 Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(0)).Value = dnum(i) Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(1)).Value = tname(i) Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(2)).NumberFormatLocal = "@" Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(2)).Value = "0000" Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(3)).Value = daq(j, i) Sheet2.Cells(r2 + i, tran(4)).Value = dstatus(j) End If Next Next End Function Sub report_create() '0-未知;1-待入库;2-库存;3-未使用;4-人工回收;5-系统回收 '6-作废;7-系统作废;8-过期;9-超期登报遗失;10-挂失;11-遗失 '12-停用;13-预期废止;14-废止;15-系统删除;16-系统回收未激活;17-系统回收激活 '18-打印;19-中介发放未激活;20-未入库;22-过期作废 dcode = Array("4", "5", "6", "7", "9", "11", "16", "17", "22") dstatus = Array("人工回收", "系统回收", "作废", "系统作废", "超期登报遗失", "遗失", "系统回收未激活", "系统回收激活", "过期作废") dnum = Array("CN011", "FN20001", "PN011", "PN031", "YE001A", "YE012(8623)") dnum1 = Array("FN20001") tname = Array("理赔批单三联", "广东机打发票", "小批单", "团体保全人名清单(小)", "保单一联", "批单三联") tname1 = Array("广东机打发票(外包出单中心)") tname2 = Array("广东机打发票(邮政外包中心)") Sheet6.UsedRange.Clear '报表数据填入3、4、5项 Call data_q(Sheet3, dnum, tname, dcode, dstatus) Call data_write(tname) Call data2_write(dnum, tname, dstatus) Call data_q(Sheet4, dnum1, tname1, dcode, dstatus) Call data_write(tname1) Call data2_write(dnum1, tname1, dstatus) Call data_q(Sheet5, dnum1, tname2, dcode, dstatus) Call data_write(tname2) Call data2_write(dnum1, tname2, dstatus) Sheet2.Select End Sub