<% Response.CodePage=65001%> <% Response.Charset="UTF-8" %> <% wenjian = request.Form("select") '获取文件扩展名 ext = FileExec(wenjian) '判断文件扩展名 if ext <> "xls" then response.Write("<script>alert('文件类型不对,请核实!');window.location.href='index.html';</script>") response.End() end if Dim objConn,objRS Dim strConn,strSql set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") excelFile = server.mappath(wenjian) '针对excel 2007 strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" & excelFile & ";" & "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" objConn.Open strConn strSql="SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]" objRS.Open strSql,objConn,1,1 objRS.MoveFirst %><!--#include file="conn.asp"--><% '循环excel中所有记录 while not objRS.eof set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") '查询语句 sql_s = "select * from ceshi where lname='" & objRS(0) & "' and old='" & objRS(1) & "' and sex='" & objRS(2) & "' and guojia='" & objRS(3) & "' and QQ='" & objRS(4) & "'" rs.open sql_s, conn, 1, 1 '重复的数据不做录入操作 if rs.eof then '插入语句 '****excel中第一条不会被录入**** sql = "insert into ceshi (lname, old, sex, guojia, QQ)values ('" & objRS(0) & "', '" & objRS(1) & "', '" & objRS(2) & "', '" & objRS(3) & "', '" & objRS(4) & "')" '执行插入 conn.execute(sql) end if objRS.MoveNext rs.close set rs = nothing wend '又到了各种关闭的时候 conn.close set conn = nothing objRS.Close objConn.Close set objRS = Nothing set objConn = Nothing response.Write("<script>alert('导入成功');window.location.href='index.html';</script>") response.End() Function FileExec(fileName) FileExec = Mid(fileName,Instr(fileName,".")+1,Len(fileName)-Instr(fileName,".")) End Function %>