程序调用: <% Dim rss,u Set rss = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet") rss.Open "select ID,fatherID,name from [Select_Menu] order by id",Conn,1,1 Response.Write "<select name='FatherID'><option value='0'> - 0.顶级菜单</option>"&GetListTree&"<select>" rss.Close %> 数据库结构: Select_Menu: id,fatherid,name fatherid=0,置为顶级菜单 函数: <% '无限级分类菜单树Select输出函数 Function GetListTree Dim Result,i Redim u(rss.RecordCount,3) for i = 1 to rss.RecordCount u(i - 1,0) = rss("ID") u(i - 1,1) = rss("fatherID") u(i - 1,2) = rss("Name") rss.MoveNext next 'rss.moveFirst for i = 0 to uBound(u) - 1 If Int(u(i,1)) = 0 Then '如果ID=FatherID则定位其父类 if u(i,0)=fatherid then selected="Selected" else selected="" end if Result = Result &"<option "&Selected&" value='"& u(i,0) &"'> ◢ "& u (i ,2) &"</option>"& vbcrlf & SunSorts(u(i ,0), 0) End If next GetListTree = Result End Function Function SunSorts(who,SunLevel) Dim selected Dim Result,i,sp,EndID for i = 0 to SunLevel sp = sp &"--" next for i = 0 to uBound(u) - 1 If Int(u(i,1)) = Int(who) Then EndID = u(i ,0) else EndID = fatherID End If next for i = 0 to uBound(u) - 1 If Int(u(i,1)) = Int(who) Then If u(i ,0) - EndID = 0 Then Result = Result &"<option "&selected&" value='"& u(i,0) &"'>"& sp &"┕"& u(i ,2) & "</option>"& vbcrlf & SunSorts(u(i ,0),SunLevel + 1) Else Result = Result &"<option "&selected&" value='"& u(i,0) &"'>"& sp &"┝ "& u(i ,2) & "</option>"& vbcrlf & SunSorts(u(i ,0),SunLevel + 1) End If End If next SunSorts = Result End Function %>