USE MASTER -- Add a new backup device -- Ensure that the SQL Server can read from the physical location where the backup is placed -- TYPE NAME PHYSICAL LOCATION EXEC SP_ADDUMPDEVICE 'disk','networkdrive','\\VPCW2K8\Database Backup\Test.bak' -- Execute the Restore operation in VERIFY ONLY mode -- Provide the actual paths where you plan to restore the database. -- This is because VERIFYONLY also checks for available space RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM networkdrive WITH MOVE N'TESTDB_DATA' TO N'E:\TestDB\TestDB_Data.mdf', MOVE N'TESTDB_INDEXES' TO N'E:\TestDB\TestDB_Idx.mdf', MOVE N'TESTDB_LOG' TO N'E:\TestDB\TestDB_LOG.ldf' -- DROP THE DEVICE -- Name , Physical File (OPTIONAL - if present, the file is deleted) EXEC SP_DROPDEVICE 'networkdrive'