USE AdventureWorks2012; GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode nchar(3), @Name nvarchar(25) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Update the row if it exists. UPDATE Production.UnitMeasure SET Name = @Name WHERE UnitMeasureCode = @UnitMeasureCode -- Insert the row if the UPDATE statement failed. IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN INSERT INTO Production.UnitMeasure (UnitMeasureCode, Name) VALUES (@UnitMeasureCode, @Name) END END; GO -- Test the procedure and return the results. EXEC InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode = 'ABC', @Name = 'Test Value'; SELECT UnitMeasureCode, Name FROM Production.UnitMeasure WHERE UnitMeasureCode = 'ABC'; GO -- Rewrite the procedure to perform the same operations using the MERGE statement. -- Create a temporary table to hold the updated or inserted values from the OUTPUT clause. CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable (ExistingCode nchar(3), ExistingName nvarchar(50), ExistingDate datetime, ActionTaken nvarchar(10), NewCode nchar(3), NewName nvarchar(50), NewDate datetime ); GO ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode nchar(3), @Name nvarchar(25) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; MERGE Production.UnitMeasure AS target USING (SELECT @UnitMeasureCode, @Name) AS source (UnitMeasureCode, Name) ON (target.UnitMeasureCode = source.UnitMeasureCode) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Name = source.Name WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (UnitMeasureCode, Name) VALUES (source.UnitMeasureCode, source.Name) OUTPUT deleted.*, $action, inserted.* INTO #MyTempTable; END; GO -- Test the procedure and return the results. EXEC InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode = 'ABC', @Name = 'New Test Value'; EXEC InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode = 'XYZ', @Name = 'Test Value'; EXEC InsertUnitMeasure @UnitMeasureCode = 'ABC', @Name = 'Another Test Value'; SELECT * FROM #MyTempTable; -- Cleanup DELETE FROM Production.UnitMeasure WHERE UnitMeasureCode IN ('ABC','XYZ'); DROP TABLE #MyTempTable; GO