########################################################### # AUTHOR : Marius / Hican - http://www.hican.nl - @hicannl # DATE : 26-06-2012 # COMMENT : Search zip files for specific files and extract # them to a (temp) directory. ########################################################### #ERROR REPORTING ALL Set-StrictMode -Version latest #---------------------------------------------------------- #STATIC VARIABLES #---------------------------------------------------------- $search = "xml" $dest = "D:\Hican\Temp" $zips = "D:\Hican\Test" #---------------------------------------------------------- #FUNCTION GetZipFileItems #---------------------------------------------------------- Function GetZipFileItems { Param([string]$zip) $split = $split.Split(".") $dest = $dest + "\" + $split[0] If (!(Test-Path $dest)) { Write-Host "Created folder : $dest" $strDest = New-Item $dest -Type Directory } $shell = New-Object -Com Shell.Application $zipItem = $shell.NameSpace($zip) $items = $zipItem.Items() GetZipFileItemsRecursive $items } #---------------------------------------------------------- #FUNCTION GetZipFileItemsRecursive #---------------------------------------------------------- Function GetZipFileItemsRecursive { Param([object]$items) ForEach($item In $items) { If ($item.GetFolder -ne $Null) { GetZipFileItemsRecursive $item.GetFolder.items() } $strItem = [string]$item.Name If ($strItem -Like "*$search*") { If ((Test-Path ($dest + "\" + $strItem)) -eq $False) { Write-Host "Copied file : $strItem from zip-file : $zipFile to destination folder" $shell.NameSpace($dest).CopyHere($item) } Else { Write-Host "File : $strItem already exists in destination folder" } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------- #FUNCTION GetZipFiles #---------------------------------------------------------- Function GetZipFiles { $zipFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $zips -Recurse -Filter "*.zip" | % { $_.DirectoryName + "\$_" } ForEach ($zipFile In $zipFiles) { $split = $zipFile.Split("\")[-1] Write-Host "Found zip-file : $split" GetZipFileItems $zipFile } } #RUN SCRIPT GetZipFiles "SCRIPT FINISHED"