#!/bin/bash # osdba 2008.10.22 monitor the interface's network traffic. # Zeuslion 2009.08.29. if [ $# -ne 3 ];then echo Useage : $0 interface interval count echo Example: $0 eth0 2 10 exit fi eth=$1 count=$3 interval=$2 inbytesfirst=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $2}') if [ -z "$inbytesfirst" ];then echo The network interface $eth is not exits! exit 1; fi outbytesfirst=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $10}') inpacketsfirst=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $3}') outpacketsfirst=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $11}') sleep $interval"s" while [ "1" ] do i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "$count" ] do inbytesend=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $2}') outbytesend=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $10}') inpacketsend=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $3}') outpacketsend=$(cat /proc/net/dev |tr ':' ' '|awk '/'$eth'/{print $11}') bytesin=$(($inbytesend-$inbytesfirst)) bytesout=$(($outbytesend-$outbytesfirst)) packetsin=$(($inpacketsend-$inpacketsfirst)) packetsout=$(($outpacketsend-$outpacketsfirst)) if [ "$bytesin" -lt "0" ];then bytesin=$((4294967295-$inbytesfirst+$inbytesend)) #echo bytesin $bytesin $inbytesfirst $inbytesend fi if [ "$bytesout" -lt "0" ];then bytesout=$((4294967295-$outbytesfirst+$outbytesend)) #echo bytesout $bytesout $outbytesfirst $outbytesend fi if [ "$packetsin" -lt "0" ];then packetsin=$((4294967295-$inpacketsfirst+$inpacketsend)) #echo packetsin $packetsin $inpacketsfirst $inpacketsend fi if [ "$packetsout" -lt "0" ];then packetsout=$((4294967295-$outpacketsfirst+$outpacketsend)) #echo packetsout $packetsout $outpacketsfirst $outpacketsend fi bytesin=$(($bytesin/$interval)) bytesout=$(($bytesout/$interval)) packetsin=$(($packetsin/$interval)) packetsout=$(($packetsout/$interval)) sumbytesin=$(($sumbytesin+$bytesin)) sumbytesout=$(($sumbytesout+$bytesout)) sumpacketsin=$(($sumpacketsin+$packetsin)) sumpacketsout=$(($sumpacketsout+$packetsout)) if [ $(($i%20)) -eq 0 ];then echo "--------- | ---------- ----------- | ----------- ------------ | ------------ -------------" echo " ifname | in_kbits/s out_kbits/s | in_kBytes/s out_kBytes/s | in_packets/s out_packets/s" echo "--------- | ---------- ----------- | ----------- ------------ | ------------ -------------" fi echo $eth $bytesin $bytesout $packetsin $packetsout |awk '{printf("%9s | %10d %11d | %11d %12d | %12d %13d\n",$1,$2/128,$3/128,$2/1024,$3/1024,$4,$5)}' inbytesfirst=$inbytesend outbytesfirst=$outbytesend inpacketsfirst=$inpacketsend outpacketsfirst=$outpacketsend i=$(($i+1)) sleep $interval"s" done sumbytesin=$(($sumbytesin/$i)) sumbytesout=$(($sumbytesout/$i)) sumpacketsin=$(($sumpacketsin/$i)) sumpacketsout=$(($sumpacketsout/$i)) echo "--------- | ---------- ----------- | ----------- ------------ | ------------ -------------" echo Average $sumbytesin $sumbytesout $sumpacketsin $sumpacketsout |awk '{printf("%9s | %10d %11d | %11d %12d | %12d %13d\n",$1,$2/128,$3/128,$2/1024,$3/1024,$4,$5)}' done