#!/bin/bash #输出彩色文字,需要四个参数,分别是前景色,背景色,样式,文字 function ColorText() { #判断参数个数,更加严格的判断比如是否超过范围这里就不做详细判断了 if [ $# -ne 4 ] then echo "Usage:4 parameters are needed!" echo "ForeColor,BackgroundClor Style and Text!" ShowHelp; else Fg="3""$1" Bg="4""$2" SetColor="\E[""$Fg;$Bg""m" Style="\033[""$3""m" Text="$4" EndStyle="\033[0m" echo -e "$SetColor""$Style""$Text""$EndStyle" fi; } #输出帮助信息 function ShowHelp() { echo "The frst parameter is a number ranged from 1 to 10,represents the foreground color." echo "The second parameter is a number ranged from 1 to 10,represents the background color." ColorText 1 8 2 "1 red"; ColorText 2 8 2 "2 green"; ColorText 3 8 2 "3 yellow"; ColorText 4 8 2 "4 blue"; ColorText 5 8 2 "5 magenta"; ColorText 6 8 2 "6 cyan"; ColorText 7 8 2 "7 gray"; ColorText 8 8 2 "8 white"; ColorText 9 8 2 "9 white"; ColorText 10 8 2 "10 black"; echo "The third parameter is a number ranged from 1 to 9,represents the style of the characters." ColorText 10 8 1 "1 lighter,and bold"; ColorText 10 8 4 "4 draw a line under the string."; ColorText 10 8 7 "7 swap the foreground color and the background color"; ColorText 10 8 9 "9 draw a deleting line"; ColorText 10 8 9 "others normal style"; echo "The fourth parameter is the content you wanna clolor,a string." } ColorText 1 8 2 'Test' #ColorText