#!/bin/sh #================================================================================ #name : EazyLamp #version : 0.1a #description : Easy-to-use on click setup/transfer tool for lamp server # configuration under linux, as easy as wamp server. #author : latel (latelx64@gmail.com) #github : https://github.com/latel/EasyLamp #liencense : GPL #date : 2013/12/20 #------------------------------------------------------------ #history : 2013/12/20 latel first release #================================================================================ BASE_DIR=$PWD/${0%/*}/../ cd $BASE_DIR BASE_DIR=$PWD PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:$BASE_DIR/install/functions TTY=`ps|grep $$|awk '{print $2}'` USER=`who|grep ${TTY}|awk '{print $1}'` #adjust your settings as follows which will be refered during installation #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #leave values to "do_not_install" on the item you don't wanted #apache apache_version="2.4.7" #php php_version="5.5.7" #mysql mysql_version="5.6.15" mysql_password="5070474849" #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #this script shall only run in root priviledge get_root(){ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]];then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } #detect os type detect_os(){ if uname -a | grep -i "arch" >/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "arch" elif uname -a | grep -i "ubuntu|debian">/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "debian" elif uname -a | grep -i "centos|redhat">/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "redhat" elif cat /proc/version | grep -i "arch">/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "arch" elif cat /proc/version | grep -i "ubuntu|debian">/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "debian" elif cat /proc/version | grep -i "centos|redhat">/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "redhat" else echo "generic" fi } #check whether a command is already available in system check_command_exists(){ local command=$1 local stop=$2 if hash $1 2>/dev/null;then echo "0" else echo "1" if [ $2 == "1" ];then echo 'building tools $1 not installed. please do it yourself' exit 1 fi fi } lowcase(){ word=$1 echo $word | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' } #choose yes or no confirm(){ local prompt=$1 local yaction=$2 local naction=$3 while true; do read -p "$prompt(y/n)?: " choice choice=`lowcase $choice` case $choice in y ) eval "$yaction";return 1;break;; n ) eval "$naction";return 0;break;; * ) echo "wrong input, please type y or n only." esac done } #detect source code's compress format #execute accordingly extract command extract_source(){ #currently, only tar.gz and tar.bz2 format are supported local zip_name=`lowcase $1` local zip_destination=$2 cd $BASE_DIR/install if [ -f packages/${zip_name}.tar.gz ];then tar zxvf packages/${zip_name}.tar.gz -C $zip_destination return 0 elif [ -f packages/${zip_name}.tar.bz2 ];then tar jxvf packages/${zip_name}.tar.bz2 -C $zip_destination return 0 else echo "!!no file is available for source ${zip_name}, installation aborted." exit 1 fi } #install building tools install_tools(){ if [ "`detect_os`" == "arch" ];then pacman -Syu pacman -S gcc g++ make cmake wget perl curl openssl build-essential elif [ "`detect_os`" == "debian" ];then apt-get update apt-get install gcc g++ make cmake wget perl curl openssl build-essential elif [ "`detect_os`" == "redhat" ];then yum -y gcc g++ make cmake wget perl curl openssl build-essential fi check_command_exists "gcc" "1" check_command_exists "g++" "1" check_command_exists "make" "1" check_command_exists "cmake" "1" check_command_exists "wget" "1" check_command_exists "perl" "1" check_command_exists "curl" "1" } #install dialog install_dialog(){ #prepare files tar xvf install/packages/dialog.tar.gz -C install/temp/ #install cd install/temp/dialog-1.2-20130928 ./configure make make install cd $BASE_DIR } #install apache install_apache(){ cd $BASE_DIR #check previous installation if [ -d apache* ];then confirm "You have installed `ls|grep apache` already, uninstall first" "rm -r apache*" "apache_version=`ls|grep apache|grep -oE '((([0-9]){1,}.){2}[0-9]{1,}){1}'` ; return 0" if [ $? != "1" ];then return 0 fi fi #install dependencies #make directory cd $BASE_DIR [[ -d apache-${apache_version} ]] || mkdir apache-${apache_version} [[ -d www ]] || mkdir www [[ -d logs ]] || mkdir logs [[ -d conf ]] || mkdir conf #prepare files if [ -f www/index.php ];then echo "htdocs files existed, ignore." else touch www/index.php echo "<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>" >> www/index.php fi extract_source "httpd-${apache_version}" "${BASE_DIR}/install/temp/" cd $BASE_DIR #install cd install/temp/httpd-${apache_version} ./configure\ --prefix=$BASE_DIR/apache-${apache_version}\ --logfiledir=$BASE_DIR/logs\ --enable-so #--bindir=/usr/bin\ #--sbindir=/usr/sbin\ #--libdir=/usr/lib/httpd/lib\ #--libexecdir=/usr/lib/httpd/modules\ #--installbuilddir=/usr/lib/httpd/build\ #--htmldir=$BASE_DIR/www\ make make install #configuration cd $BASE_DIR groupadd httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 #create group and user if not exitsts useradd -s /bin/false -g httpd httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 cd apache-${apache_version} mv htdocs/index.html $BASE_DIR/www/index.html cp conf/httpd.conf conf/httpd.conf.bak #backup original conf file sed -i -e "s/User daemon/User httpd/" -e "s/Group daemon/Group httpd/" conf/httpd.conf sed -i -e "s/apache-${apache_version}\/htdocs/www/" conf/httpd.conf sed -i -e "s/#ServerName www.example.com:80/ServerName www.example.com:80/" conf/httpd.conf sed -i -e "s/ErrorLog \"logs\/error_log\"/ErrorLog \"${BASE_DIR//\//\\/}\/logs\/httpd_error_log\"/" conf/httpd.conf sed -i -e "s/CustomLog \"logs\/access_log\" common/CustomLog \"${BASE_DIR//\//\\/}\/logs\/httpd_access_log\" common/" conf/httpd.conf #make files for later-reading cd $BASE_DIR touch {logs/httpd_access_log,logs/httpd_error_log} #cleanup cp apache-${apache_version}/bin/httpd apache-${apache_version}/bin/httpd.bak strip apache-${apache_version}/bin/httpd } #install php install_php(){ cd $BASE_DIR #check previous installation if [ -d php* ];then confirm "You'v installed `ls|grep php` already, uninstall first" "rm -r php*" "php_version=`ls|grep php|grep -oE '((([0-9]){1,}.){2}[0-9]{1,}){1}'` ; return 0" if [ $? != "1" ];then return 0 fi fi #install dependencies #make directory [[ -d php-${php_version} ]] || mkdir php-${php_version} [[ -d logs ]] || mkdir logs [[ -d conf ]] || mkdir conf #prepare files extract_source "php-${php_version}" "${BASE_DIR}/install/temp/" cd $BASE_DIR #install cd install/temp/php-${php_version} ./configure\ --prefix=$BASE_DIR/php-${php_version}\ --with-apxs2=$BASE_DIR/apache-${apache_version}/bin/apxs\ --with-config-file-path=$BASE_DIR/conf\ --with-mysql\ --with-pdo-mysql\ --enable-pdo\ --with-openssl\ --with-zlib\ --with-curl\ --with-gd\ --with-mcrypt #phpmyadmin need it make make install #configuration cd $BASE_DIR mv php/etc php-${php_version}/ rm -r php cp install/temp/php-${php_version}/php.ini-development conf/php.ini sed -i -e "s/;date.timezone =/date.timezone = Asia\/Shanghai/" conf/php.ini sed -i -e "s/;extension=php_mysql.dll/extension=php_mysql.dll/" conf/php.ini sed -i -e "s/;extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll/extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll/" conf/php.ini sed -i -e "s/mysql.default_socket =/mysql.default_socket =${BASE_DIR//\//\\/}\/mysql-${mysql_version}\/mysql.sock/" conf/php.ini sed -i -e "s/pdo_mysql.default_socket=/pdo_mysql.default_socket=${BASE_DIR//\//\\/}\/mysql-${mysql_version}\/mysql.sock/" conf/php.ini cp install/resource/php5_module.conf apache-${apache_version}/conf/extra/php5_module.conf sed -i -e "s/PHPIniDir/PHPIniDir '${BASE_DIR//\//\\/}\/conf\/php.ini'/" apache-${apache_version}/conf/extra/php5_module.conf echo "Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf" >> apache-${apache_version}/conf/httpd.conf #do stuff for apache cp apache-${apache_version}/conf/httpd.conf conf/httpd.conf } #install mysql install_mysql(){ cd $BASE_DIR #check previous installation if [ -d mysql* ];then confirm "You'v installed `ls|grep mysql` already, uninstall first" "rm -r mysql*" "mysql_version=`ls|grep mysql|grep -oE '((([0-9]){1,}.){2}[0-9]{1,}){1}'` ; return 0" if [ $? != "1" ];then return 0 fi fi #install dependencies #make directory cd $BASE_DIR [[ -d mysql-${mysql_version}/data ]] || mkdir -p mysql-${mysql_version}/data [[ -d logs ]] || mkdir logs [[ -d conf ]] || mkdir conf #prepare files extract_source "mysql-${mysql_version}" "${BASE_DIR}/install/temp/" cd $BASE_DIR #install cd install/temp/mysql-${mysql_version} cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version} \ -DMYSQL_DATADIR=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/data \ -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/mysql.sock \ -DEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 \ -DEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci #add a user line for coomon user to use mysql #./configure\ # --prefix=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version} make make install #configuration cd $BASE_DIR groupadd mysql #create group and user if not exitstsapache-${apache_version} useradd -s /bin/false -g mysql mysql mysql-${mysql_version}/scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version} --datadir=$BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/data --user=mysql cp install/temp/mysql-${mysql_version}/support-files/mysql.server mysql-${mysql_version}/bin/mysql.server chmod +x mysql-${mysql_version}/bin/mysql.server cp install/temp/mysql-${mysql_version}/support-files/my-default.cnf mysql-${mysql_version}/my.cnf cd mysql-${mysql_version} echo "basedir = $BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/" >> my.cnf echo "datadir = $BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/data" >> my.cnf echo "port = 3306" >> my.cnf echo "socket = $BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/mysql.sock" >> my.cnf echo "log-error = $BASE_DIR/logs/mysql_error.log" >> my.cnf echo "pid-file = $BASE_DIR/mysql-${mysql_version}/mysql.pid" >> my.cnf echo "user = mysql" >> my.cnf cd $BASE_DIR #make files for later-reading touch logs/mysql_error.log #adjust permissions chown -R mysql.mysql mysql-${mysql_version} } gen_scripts(){ cd $BASE_DIR [[ -f ezlamp-st ]] && rm ezlamp-st [[ -f ezlamp-ki ]] && rm ezlamp-ki [[ -f ezlamp-ki ]] && rm greenfy cp install/resource/ezlamp-st ezlamp-st cp install/resource/ezlamp-ki ezlamp-ki cp install/resource/greenfy greenfy chmod +x ezlamp-st ezlamp-ki greenfy chown $USER ez* green* } run(){ cd $BASE_DIR apache-${apache_version}/bin/apachectl -k start -f ${BASE_DIR}/conf/httpd.conf #start apache mysql-${mysql_version}/bin/mysql.server start --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp & #start mysql daemon } #doing some post configuration work post_configuration(){ cd $BASE_DIR mysql-${mysql_version}/bin/mysql_secure_installation } eazylamp(){ echo echo echo "#############################################################################" echo echo "You are welcome to use this script to deploy your lamp,hope you like it." echo "If you have any question, please submit your issues to following address" echo "https://github.com/latel/EasyLamp" echo echo "#############################################################################" echo #user confirmation read -p "Are you sure you want to install lamp in $BASE_DIR(y/n)?" confirm cd $BASE_DIR if [ $confirm = y ];then get_root #install_tools touch /tmp/eazylamp_log #create file to log install information chattr +a /tmp/eazylamp_log #not allowed to delete, only add is alllowed detect_os if [ "`check_command_exists "dialog"`" == "1" ];then read -p "Dialog not detected, which can supply great installation experience, install(y/n)?: " confirm if [ $confirm == y ];then install_dialog [[ $? == 0 ]] && has_dialog = 1 fi fi [[ -d install/temp ]] || mkdir install/temp echo "[1/7]installing apache..." install_apache echo "*apache2 installed" echo "[2/7]installing php..." install_php echo "*php5 installed" echo "[3/7]installing mysql..." install_mysql echo "*mysql installed" cd $BASE_DIR echo "[4/7]removing tempotary files" #rm -r install/temp echo "[5/7]do some peformance enhancements, please wait..." chown -R $USER www echo "[6/7]generating maintain scripts..." gen_scripts echo echo "install complete" echo "#======================================" echo "# apache: ${apache_version}" echo "# php : ${php_version}" echo "# mysql : ${mysql_version}" echo "#======================================" echo echo "[7/7]All done. (。・ω・)ノ" echo echo "you may now delete the install folder now " run echo "http://localhost/" else echo "please manually move your folder to your desire position" fi } eazylamp