#!/bin/bash # File Name : lloutput.sh # Purpose : get the last row and last column from stdout # Creation Date : 04-02-2014 # Last Modified : Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:58:52 PM CST # Release By : Doom.zhou #function function show() { if [[ -n $1 ]] then #echo "dealing....." #echo -e "First display stdout! with color green \033[32;1m" #$1 #echo -e "\033[0mcommand end!" if [[ -n $2 ]] then x=`echo $2 | cut -c 1` y=`echo $2 | cut -c 2` if [[ $x == 'l' ]] && [[ $y =~ ^[0-9]$ ]] then out=`$1 | awk -v y=$y 'END{print$y}'` echo $out elif [[ $y == 'l' ]] && [[ $x =~ ^[0-9]$ ]] then out=`$1 | awk -v x=$x 'NR==x{print$NF}'` echo $out elif [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]{2}$ ]] then out=`$1 | awk -v x=$x -v y=$y 'NR==x{print$y}'` echo $out elif [[ $2 == 'll' ]] then out=`$1 | awk 'END{print$NF}'` echo $out fi else echo $2"is a invalid int" fi else echo "Input your command like df so i can get x column and y filed info" fi } show "$1" "$2" #end