#!/bin/bash FACE_GIRL="?^_^?" FACE_BOY="?^O^?" N_COLS=`tput cols` N_LINES=`tput lines` BLANK80=`seq -s "" 100 | head -c100` LINES_ARRAY[0]="Hello baby,xixi" LINES_ARRAY[1]="Are you feeling lonely over there?" LINES_ARRAY[2]="Is there someone loving you out there?" LINES_ARRAY[3]="Sorry,I'm actually a decent gentleman,hehe" LINES_ARRAY[4]="Hmmm.." LINES_ARRAY[5]="Give me a kiss,honey!" if [ $N_COLS -lt 80 ] || [ $N_LINES -lt 20 ]; then echo "Your terminal needs to be 80 in colums and 20 in lines" exit 0; fi function change_color() { echo -e "\E[$1;$2m" } function draw_face() { tput cup $1 $2 if [ "$3" -eq 0 ];then echo " $FACE_GIRL" else echo " $FACE_BOY" tput cup `expr $1 + 1` $2 sleep 1 if [ $4 -le 5 ];then echo " ${LINES_ARRAY[$4]} " else echo " ${LINES_ARRAY[5]} " fi fi } clear tput cup 0 0 change_color 37 47 for i in `seq 8`;do echo $BLANK80 # echo " " done j=2 change_color 30 47 for i in `seq 20 40`;do draw_face $j `expr $i + 1` 0 draw_face `expr $j + 1` `expr $i - 8` 1 `expr $i - 20` sleep 1 done tput cup 90 0 tput sgr0