1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | def fermat(num, iter) #num is the number to test, iter is the maximum number of iterations (higher is more accurate) rand = 1 +rand(num- 1 ) for i in 1 ..iter if (rand**(num- 1 ))%num == 0 return false else rand = 1 +rand(num- 1 ) end end return true end #Example puts fermat( 16 , 100 ) #=>false puts fermat( 7 , 100 ) #=>true puts fermat( 221 , 100 ) #=>Counterexample. Called a Fermat Liar. Returns true (if the iter is low enough (usually)) actually is composite |