#PennyBoki @ </dream.in.code> puts "Please select " puts 'A for Celsius to Fahrenheit' puts 'B for Fahrenheit to Celsius' STDOUT.flush string0 = gets.chomp if string0 == 'A' || string0 == 'a' puts 'Enter the temperature in Celsuis' STDOUT.flush string1 = gets.chomp x = string1.to_f y = 32+(9.0/5)*x puts 'The temperature in Fahrenheit is '+y.to_s else if string0 == 'B'|| string0 == 'b' puts 'Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit' STDOUT.flush string2 = gets.chomp x = string2.to_f y = (x-32)*(5.0/9) puts 'The temperature in Celsius is '+y.to_s else puts 'Invalid option.' end end