def bubbleSort(a) swapped = true while swapped == true i = 0 swapped = false while(i < a.length-1): temp1 = a[i] temp2 = a[i+1] if (temp1 > temp2) then a[i], a[i+1] = temp2, temp1 swapped = true end i += 1 end end return a end #From here down is example usage of the function! array = [1, 2, 6, 123, 32, -23, 2, -1, 2, 3, 123, 54] puts "Before sorting:" j = 0 while(j < array.length) #iterate through the loop, printing all values print array[j] print ' ' j += 1 end puts "" bubbleSort(array) puts "After sorting:" k = 0 while(k < array.length) print array[k] print ' ' k += 1 end