#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # @File : Lexical_Analyzer.pl # @Author: Roc # @Date : 2013/10/21 # @Func : Lexical analyser # @Idea : In this program,we cut sentences to words. # Then,we will match each word. # #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use 5.010; say "Please input your program here.(Input '__END__' to stop inputing)"; ## #input here # open (FH, ">LexicalAnalyser.txt") or die "can't open the file: $!"; while (<STDIN>) { if (/__END__/){ #Input over.Close file close (FH) or die "Can't close file: $!"; last; #Interrupt here } else { #debug #print "I saw $_"; chomp ($_); #delete 'Enter' say FH $_; } } #End of while ## #output program here.We just test our input. # $count = 1; say "\n+------------------------------------------------+"; say "\tInput over.Here is your program.\n"; # #Read file here. #We just want to see if we write into the file # open (FH, "<LexicalAnalyser.txt") or die "can't open the file: $!"; foreach (<FH>) { chomp; say "Line $count: $_"; $count++; } say "+------------------------------------------------+\n"; close (FH) or die "can't close file: $!"; #debug #say "@Tmp\n"; ## #Exchange special flags here.I just list a little:like , } { ) ( and ; # open (FH, "<LexicalAnalyser.txt") or die "can't open the file: $!"; foreach (<FH>){ foreach (split){ #debug #print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; #We have already separated each word. #Thus, it doesn't matter if we add g here. s/(\w+)(,|;|\)|\(|\}|\{)/$1 $2/g; s/(,|;|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|\[|\])(\w+)/$1 $2/g; s/(;|\(|\)|\{|\})/ $1/g; #Store in Tmp2 push @Tmp2, $_; } } close (FH) or die "can't close file: $!"; ## #We match here # foreach (@Tmp2){ #debug #say "$_"; foreach (split){ #debug #print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"; if ($_ =~ /main\(\)/){ push @Tmp3, "\(2, \"main\"\)"; } elsif ($_ =~ /(int|float|for|while|do|return|break|continue|unsigned|public|void)/){ push @Tmp3, "\(1, \"$_\"\)"; } elsif ($_ =~ /[a-z]+/){ push @Tmp3, "\(2, \"$_\"\)"; } elsif ($_ =~ /\p{Digit}.*/){ push @Tmp3, "\(3, \"$_\"\)"; } elsif ($_ =~ /(=|>=|<=|!=|!|>|<|\+|-|\*|\/)/){ push @Tmp3, "\(4, \"$_\"\)"; } elsif ($_ =~ /(\(|\)|\{|\}|;|,|:)/){ push @Tmp3, "\(5, \"$_\"\)"; } #debug #print "$_\n"; # push @Tmp1, $_; #再设置一个暂存区 } #End of foreach(split) } #End of foreach(@Tmp2) ## #Output here # say "++++++++++++Final Answer+++++++++++"; say "-----------------------------------"; foreach (@Tmp3){ say "$_"; } say "+---------------------------------+"; say "+++++++++++++++END+++++++++++++++++";