-- Use this function to perform your initial setup function setup() print("Simple Map Sample!!") textMode(CORNER) spriteMode(CORNER) gridCount = 20 scaleX = 50 scaleY = 50 -- number > 4 plantSeed = 20.0 -- number > 3 minerialSeed = 20.0 --[[ parameter.integer("scaleX",20,100,50) parameter.integer("scaleY",20,100,50) parameter.number("plantSeed",5.0,100.0,10.0) parameter.number("minerialSeed",4.0,100.0,10.0,resetMapTable) --parameter.integer("gridCount",1,10,6) --]] imgMap = image((gridCount+1)*scaleX,(gridCount+1)*scaleY) mapT = {} tree1 = "松树" tree2 = "杨树" tree3 = "小草" mine1 = "铁矿" mine2 = "铜矿" imgTree1 = "Planet Cute:Tree Short" imgTree2 = "Planet Cute:Tree Tall" imgTree3 = "Platformer Art:Grass" imgMine1 = "Platformer Art:Mushroom" imgMine2 = "Small World:Treasure" itemTable = {[tree1]=imgTree1,[tree2]=imgTree2,[tree3]=imgTree3,[mine1]=imgMine1,[mine2]=imgMine2} -- 3*3 mapTable = {{pos=vec2(1,1),plant=nil,mineral=mine1},{pos=vec2(1,2),plant=nil,mineral=nil},{pos=vec2(1,3),plant=tree3,mineral=nil}, {pos=vec2(2,1),plant=tree1,mineral=nil},{pos=vec2(2,2),plant=tree2,mineral=mine2},{pos=vec2(2,3),plant=nil,mineral=nil}, {pos=vec2(3,1),plant=nil,mineral=nil},{pos=vec2(3,2),plant=nil,mineral=mine2},{pos=vec2(3,3),plant=tree3,mineral=nil}} --print(randomPlant()) --print(randomMinerial()) --mapTable = createMap() --mapTable = {} mapTable = createMap() end function resetMapTable() mapTable = createMap() end -- This function gets called once every frame function draw() -- This sets a dark background color background(40, 40, 50) --if #mapTable == 0 then mapTable = createMap() end -- This sets the line thickness -- strokeWidth(5) -- Do your drawing here sImgMap = drawMap() sprite(sImgMap,0,0) end function createMap() for i=1,gridCount,1 do for j=1,gridCount,1 do mapItem = {pos=vec2(i,j),plant=randomPlant(),mineral=randomMinerial()} table.insert(mapT,mapItem) --print(unpack(mapItem)) --print(mapItem[plant],mapItem[mineral]) end end return mapT end function randomPlant() local seed = math.random(1.0,plantSeed) local result = nil if seed >= 1 and seed < 2 then result = tree1 end if seed >= 2 and seed < 3 then result = tree2 end if seed >= 3 and seed < 4 then result = tree3 end if seed >= 4 and seed <= plantSeed then result = nil end return result end function randomMinerial() local seed = math.random(1.0,minerialSeed) local result = nil if seed >= 1 and seed < 2 then result = mine1 end if seed >= 2 and seed < 3 then result = mine2 end if seed >= 3 and seed <= minerialSeed then result = nil end return result end function getImg(name) return itemTable[name] end function drawMap() setContext(imgMap) for i = 1,gridCount*gridCount,1 do drawGround(mapTable[i].pos) if mapTable[i].plant ~= nil then drawTree(mapTable[i].pos,mapTable[i].plant) end if mapTable[i].mineral ~= nil then drawMineral(mapTable[i].pos,mapTable[i].mineral) end end setContext() return imgMap end function drawGround(position) local x,y = scaleX * position.x, scaleY * position.y strokeWidth(1) fill(5,155,40,255) fill(0,100,40,255) rect(x,y,scaleX,scaleY) end function drawTree(position,plant) local x,y = scaleX * position.x, scaleY * position.y sprite(itemTable[plant],x,y,scaleX*4/10,scaleY) fill(100,100,200,255) --text(plant,x,y) end function drawMineral(position,mineral) local x,y = scaleX * position.x, scaleY * position.y sprite(itemTable[mineral],x+scaleX/2,y,scaleX/2,scaleX/2) fill(100,100,200,255) text(mineral,x+scaleX/2,y) end