copy one directory to another directory @author: ''' import os; import shutil, errno; import ctypes; import itertools; import string; import platform; _home = "E:\sourcecode"; home_disk = "K:\FTS_HOME"; office = "D:\sourcecode\FTS"; office_disk = "E:\FTS_HOME"; other_source = "D:\\pythontest\\source"; other_target = "D:\\pythontest\\target"; FILES_DIRECTORY_LIST = ["ForeignTradeFront\src", "ForeignTradeFront\WebContent", "ForeignTradeServer\ejbModule", "ForeignTradeServer\TestSrc"]; def copyFiles(): directory = input("how to copy files? \n\ copy to office(1), \n\ copy to office removable driver(2),\n\ copy to _home(3),\n\ copy to _home removable driver(4);\n\ other(5)"); if directory == "1": executeCopyFiles(office_disk, office); elif directory == "2": executeCopyFiles(office, office_disk); elif directory == "3": executeCopyFiles(home_disk, _home); elif directory == "4": executeCopyFiles(_home, home_disk); elif directory == "5": executeCopyFiles(other_source, other_target); def executeCopyFiles(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory): copyConfirm = input("Are you sure want copy" + sourceDirectory + " to " + targetDirectory + "?(Y/N)"); if copyConfirm == "Y": if os.path.isdir(sourceDirectory) and os.path.isdir(targetDirectory): for update_directory in FILES_DIRECTORY_LIST: newSourceDirectory = generateUpdatePath(sourceDirectory, update_directory) ; newTargetDirectory = generateUpdatePath(targetDirectory, update_directory) ; deleteOldTargetDirectory(newTargetDirectory); copyanything(newSourceDirectory, newTargetDirectory); else: print("Please input a directionary path!"); else: print("Cancellation copy file!"); def generateUpdatePath(originalPath, updatePath): return os.path.join(originalPath, updatePath); def deleteOldTargetDirectory(targetDirectory): print(targetDirectory + " was removed!"); shutil.rmtree(targetDirectory, True); def copyanything(src, dst): try: if(os.path.exists(dst)): shutil.rmtree(dst, False); shutil.copytree(src, dst) print(dst + " copy successful"); except OSError as exc: # python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: shutil.copy(src, dst) else: raise if __name__ == '__main__': copyFiles();