

    using System;  
    using System.Collections.Generic;  
    using System.Text;  
    namespace MacPrinter  
        public class ZPL_Command  
            /// (^EF)<summary>  
            /// 清除设定 (已包含起始结束命令)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _CmdEraseSetup()  
                string st = "^XA^EF^FS^XZ";  
                return st.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^XA) ZPL命令开始  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _CmdStart()  
                return "^XA".ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^XZ)  ZPL命令结尾  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _CmdEnd()  
                return "^XZ".ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^FS)一个字段的结束(结束一行命令)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _CmdLineEnd()  
                return "^FS".ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="DesiredFont">(f)需要选择的字体默认为O(A-Z,1-9)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontOrientation">(o)字体是否旋转默认N(R旋转90°,I旋转180°,B旋转270°,)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontHeight">(h)设定字体高度以点计算默认为15(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontWidth">(w)设定字体宽度以点计算默认为12(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFont(string DesiredFont, string FontOrientation, int FontHeight, int FontWidth)  
                string _a = string.Format("^A{0}{1},{2},{3}", DesiredFont, FontOrientation, FontHeight, FontWidth);  
                return _a.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^A)字体设定{^Af,o,h,w}  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="DesiredFont">(f)需要选择的字体默认为O(A-Z,1-9)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontHeight">(h)设定字体高度以点计算默认为15(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontWidth">(w)设定字体宽度以点计算默认为12(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFont(string DesiredFont, int FontHeight, int FontWidth)  
                return this._SetFont(DesiredFont, "N", FontHeight, FontWidth);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^A@)调用字体名字设定字体{^A@o,h,w,n}  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="FontOrientation">字体是否旋转默认N(R旋转90°,I旋转180°,B旋转270°,)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontHeight">设定字体高度以点计算默认为15(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontWidth">设定字体宽度以点计算默认为12(10-1500)</param>  
            /// <param name="FontName">Font Name(Cyrillic.FNT)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFont(string FontOrientation, int FontHeight, int FontWidth, string FontName)  
                return string.Format("^A@{0},{1},{2},{3}", FontOrientation, FontHeight, FontWidth, FontName);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B1o,e,h,f,g)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode11()  
                return "";  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B3)Code39码(^B3o,e,h,f,g)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="Orientation">Orientation:  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW setting  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees;</param>  
            /// <param name="e">Mod-43 Check Digit:  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="Height">Bar Code Height:  
            /// Default value: Value set by ^BY ;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No ;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode39(string Orientation, string e, int Height, string f, string g)  
                return string.Format("^B3{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", Orientation, e, Height, f, g).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B4)Code49码(^B4o,h,f,m)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="Orientation">  
            /// Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW value  
            ///(^FW defaults to N = Normal at power-up);  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees;</param>  
            /// <param name="Height">Height Multiplier of Individual Rows  
            ///Defined: This number, multiplied by the module,;  
            ///equals the height of the individual rows in dots.;  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 to height of label.;  
            ///NOTE: 1 is not a recommended value.</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: N = No line printed.  
            ///Other values:  
            ///A = Print interpretation line above code.;  
            ///B = Print interpretation line below code.</param>  
            /// <param name="m">Starting Mode  
            ///Default value: A = Automatic Mode. Printer determines  
            ///starting mode by analyzing field data.;  
            ///Other values:  
            ///0 = Regular Alphanumeric Mode;  
            ///1 = Multiple Read Alphanumeric;  
            ///2 = Regular Numeric Mode;  
            ///3 = Group Alphanumeric Mode;  
            ///4 = Regular Alphanumeric Shift 1;  
            ///5 = Regular Alphanumeric Shift 2;</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode49(string Orientation, int Height, string f, string m)  
                return string.Format("^B4{0},{1},{2},{3}", Orientation, Height, f, m).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B7)PDF417 Bar Code(^B7o,h,s,c,r,t)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation Default value: Current ^FW value  
            ///(^FW defaults to N = Normal at power-up);  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees;</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height for Individual Rows  
            ///(This number, multiplied by the module, equals the  
            ///height of the individual rows in dots.)  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to height of label.;  
            ///NOTE: 1 is not a recommended value.</param>  
            /// <param name="s">Security Level  
            ///Determines the number of error detection and correction  
            ///code words to be generated for the symbol.  
            ///Default level provides only error detection (no correction).  
            ///Increasing the security level adds increasing  
            ///levels of error correction. (Increases symbol size.)  
            ///Default value: 0 = Error detection only;  
            ///Other values: 1 to 8.;  
            ///Error detection plus correction.</param>  
            /// <param name="c" >Number of Data Columns to Encode  
            ///User can specify number of codeword columns giving  
            ///control over the width of the symbol.;  
            ///Default value: 1:2 row/column aspect ratio.;  
            ///Other values: 1 to 30;</param>  
            /// <param name="r">Number of Rows to Encode  
            ///User can specify number of symbol rows giving control  
            ///over the height of the symbol.;  
            ///Default value: 1:2 row/column aspect ratio.;  
            ///Other values: 3 to 90;;  
            ///Example: With no row or column values entered, 72  
            ///codewords would be encoded into a symbol of 6 columns  
            ///and 12 rows. (Depending on codewords, aspect ratio  
            ///will not always be exact.)</param>  
            /// <param name="t">Truncate Right Row Indicators and Stop Pattern  
            ///Default value: N = No truncation  
            ///Print right row indicators and stop pattern.  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes perform truncation.</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCodeBDF417(string o, int h, int s, int c, int r, string t)  
                return string.Format("^B7{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", o, h, s, c, r, t).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B8)EAN-8 Bar Code(^B8o,h,f,g)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW value  
            ///(^FW defaults to N = Normal at power-up);  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees;</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCodeEAN8(string o, int h, string f, string g)  
                return string.Format("^B8{0},{1},{2},{3}", o, h, f, g).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^B9)UPC-E Bar Code(^B9o,h,f,g,e)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW setting;  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="e">Print Check Digit  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes,;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCodeUPC_E(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e)  
                return string.Format("^B9{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", o, h, f, g, e).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^BA)Code 93 Bar Code(^BAo,h,f,g,e)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW setting;  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="e">Print Check Digit  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes,;  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode93(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e)  
                return string.Format("^BA{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", o, h, f, g, e).ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^BC)Code 128 Bar Code(Subsets A, B, and C)(^BCo,h,f,g,e,m)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW setting;  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="e">UCC Check Digit  
            ///Default value: N = No;;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="m">Mode  
            ///Default value: N = No mode selected;;  
            ///Other value: U = UCC Case Mode;;  
            ///(^FD or ^SN statement must contain 19  
            ///numeric digits (it can also contain valid alpha  
            ///characters). Subset C using FNC1 values is  
            ///automatically selected.</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode128(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e, string m)  
                return string.Format("^BC{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", o, h, f, g, e, m);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^BC)Code 128 Bar Code(Subsets A, B, and C)(^BCo,h,f,g,e,m)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">Orientation  
            ///Default value: Current ^FW setting;  
            ///Other values:  
            ///N = Normal;  
            ///R = Rotated, 90 degrees clockwise;  
            ///I = Inverted, 180 degrees;  
            ///B = Read from Bottom Up, 270 degrees</param>  
            /// <param name="h">Bar Code Height  
            ///Default value: Value set by ^BY;  
            ///Other values: 1 dot to 9999 dots</param>  
            /// <param name="f">Print Interpretation Line  
            ///Default value: Y = Yes  
            ///Other value: N = No</param>  
            /// <param name="g">Print Interpretation Line Above Code  
            ///Default value: N = No;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <param name="e">UCC Check Digit  
            ///Default value: N = No;;  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetCode128(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e)  
                return string.Format("^BC{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", o, h, f, g, e);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^BY)  Change Bar Code Default Parameters(条码字段默认参数设置,用来改变窄元素(窄条或窄空)的宽度模块)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="w">模块(窄条)宽 (开机初始化值:2点 可接受的数值:1-10点) Module (Narrow Bar) Width (Initial power -up value: 2 dots ,Acceptable values: 1-10 dots)</param>  
            /// <param name="r">宽条与窄条的比例 (开机初始化值:3.0 可接受的数值:2.0到3.0,0.1的增量(对固定比例的条码无效))Wide Bar to Narrow Bar Width Ratio(Initial power-up ratio: 3.0 ,Acceptable ratios: From 2.0 to 3.0 in .1 increments.)</param>  
            /// <param name="h">条码高度 开机初始化值:10点可接受的数值:1点到标签高度(Height of Bars(Initial Power-up value: 10 dots, Acceptable values: 1 dot to height of label)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _changeBarCodeDefault(int w, int r, int h)  
                string _by = string.Format("^BY{0},{1},{2}", w, r, h);  
                return _by.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^BY)  Change Bar Code Default Parameters(条码字段默认参数设置,用来改变窄元素(窄条或窄空)的宽度模块)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="w">模块(窄条)宽 (开机初始化值:2点 可接受的数值:1-10点) Module (Narrow Bar) Width (Initial power -up value: 2 dots ,Acceptable values: 1-10 dots)</param>  
            /// <param name="r">宽条与窄条的比例 (开机初始化值:3.0 可接受的数值:2.0到3.0,0.1的增量(对固定比例的条码无效))Wide Bar to Narrow Bar Width Ratio(Initial power-up ratio: 3.0 ,Acceptable ratios: From 2.0 to 3.0 in .1 increments.)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _changeBarCodeDefault(int w, string r)  
                string _by = string.Format("^BY{0},{1}", w, r);  
                return _by.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^LR) Reverse Print All Fields  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="reverse">(y)是否以黑底白字打印{Y or N}</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableReverse(string reverse)  
                return string.Format("^LR{0}", reverse);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^LL)设定Lable长度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="iLength">Number of Dots Along Y-Axis{Default value:1225 for Stripe ; 1244 for Xi printers}</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableLength(int iLength)  
                return string.Format("^LL{0}", iLength);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^LS)移动Lable  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="shiftValue">Shift Left Value of dots(Acceptable values: 0 to 9999 dots)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableShift(int shiftValue)  
                return string.Format("^LS{0}", shiftValue);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^LH) 设置Lable起点以及顶端距离(以点计算),如超出范围将抛出错误  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="x">起点的X位置</param>  
            /// <param name="y">起点的Y位置</param>  
            /// <param name="width">实际Lable纸张的宽度(以点计算)</param>  
            /// <param name="height">实际Lable纸张的宽度(以点计算)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableHomeAndTop(int x, int y, int width, int height)  
                if (y < width && x < height)  
                    string _lh_lt = string.Format("^LH{0},{1}^LT{1}", x, y);  
                    return _lh_lt.ToUpper();  
                    throw new Exception("超出范围");  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^LH)设定Lable的起点  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="x">起点的X位置</param>  
            /// <param name="y">起点的Y位置</param>  
            /// <param name="width">实际Lable纸张的宽度(以点计算)</param>  
            /// <param name="height">实际Lable纸张的宽度(以点计算)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableHome(int x, int y)  
                return string.Format("^LH{0},{1}", x, y);  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^LT) Lable距离顶端边的距离(以点计算)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="iTop"></param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetLableTop(int iTop)  
                return string.Format("^LT{0}", iTop);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^DF)下载字体  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="FileName">字体文件名称包含扩展名(STOREFMT.ZPL)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetDownLoadFont(string FileName)  
                string _df = string.Format("^DF{0}", FileName);  
                return _df.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^MD) 设定打印字体容度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="darknessVale">容度值默认15(-30至+30)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetMediaDarkness(int darknessVale)  
                string _md = string.Format("^MD{0}", darknessVale);  
                return _md.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^ML) Maximum Label Length  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="iLength">Maximum Label Length in Dot Rows(Default value:Last permanently saved value)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetMaxLableLength(int iLength)  
                return string.Format("^ML{0}", iLength);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^MM)Print Mode  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="strDesiredMode">  
            /// Desired Mode  
            /// Default value:  
            ///T = Tear Off ;   
            ///Other Values:  
            ///P = Peel Off (not available on S-300 printers)  
            ///R = Rewind (Instruction ignored if parameter  
            ///missing or incorrect.)  
            ///A = Applicator  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="strPrePeelSelect">Pre-Peel Select(Y or N)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintMode(string strDesiredMode, string strPrePeelSelect)  
                return string.Format("^MM{0},{1}", strDesiredMode, strPrePeelSelect);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^MN) Set Media Tracking  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="strTrack">Media Being Used  
            ///N = Continuous Media ;  
            ///Y = Non-Continuous Media Web Sensing</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetMedieTracking(string strTrack)  
                return string.Format("^MN{0}", strTrack);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^MU)Set Mode Units  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="unitsType">units type  
            /// Default: D = Dots  
            ///I = Inches  
            ///M = Millimeters</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetModeUnits(string unitsType)  
                return string.Format("^MU{0}", unitsType);  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^PR _^PW) 设定打印速度以及打印的宽度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="PrintSpeed">打印速度值默认3(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec.)</param>  
            /// <param name="SlewSpeed">Default value: Speed D(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec)</param>  
            /// <param name="BackfeedSpeed">Default value: Speed D(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec)</param>  
            /// <param name="PrintWidth">打印宽度(根据Lable纸而定)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintRateAndWidth(int PrintSpeed, int SlewSpeed, int BackfeedSpeed, int PrintWidth)  
                string _pr_pw = string.Format("^PR{0},{1},{2}^PW{3}", PrintSpeed, SlewSpeed, BackfeedSpeed, PrintWidth);  
                return _pr_pw.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^PR) 设定打印速度以及打印的宽度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="PrintSpeed">打印速度值默认3(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec.)</param>  
            /// <param name="SlewSpeed">Default value: Speed D(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec)</param>  
            /// <param name="BackfeedSpeed">Default value: Speed D(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintRate(int PrintSpeed, int SlewSpeed, int BackfeedSpeed)  
                return string.Format("^PR{0},{1},{2}", PrintSpeed, SlewSpeed, BackfeedSpeed);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PR)设置打印速度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="PrintSpeed">打印速度:  
            /// Print Speed  
            ///Default value: Speed A  
            ///Acceptable values :  
            ///A or 2 50.8 mm/sec. (2 inches/sec.)  
            ///B or 3 76.2 mm/sec. (3 inches/sec.)  
            ///C or 4 101.6 mm/sec. (4 inches/sec.)  
            ///5 127 mm/sec. (5 inches/sec.)  
            ///D or 6 152.4 mm/sec. (6 inches/sec.)  
            ///E or 8 203.2 mm/sec. (8 inches/sec.)  
            /// </param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintRate(int PrintSpeed)  
                return string.Format("^PR{0}", PrintSpeed);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PW)设置打印范围(宽度)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="printWidth">打印宽度</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintWidth(int printWidth)  
                return string.Format("^PW{0}", printWidth);  
            /// <summary>  
            ///  (^PR_^PW) 设定打印速度以及打印的宽度  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="PrintSpeed">打印速度值默认3(A or 2 50.8 mm/sec,B or 3 76.2 mm/sec,C or 4 101.6 mm/sec,5 127 mm/sec,D or 6 152.4 mm/sec,E or 8 203.2 mm/sec.)</param>  
            /// <param name="PrintWidth">打印宽度(根据Lable纸而定)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintRateAndWidth(int PrintSpeed, int PrintWidth)  
                return this._SetPrintRateAndWidth(PrintSpeed, 6, 6, PrintWidth);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PR_^PW) 设定打印的宽度打印速度使用默认值  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="PrintWidth"></param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintRateAndWidth(int PrintWidth)  
                return this._SetPrintRateAndWidth(3, 6, 6, PrintWidth);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^FO)设置字段的位置,相对于由^LH命令指定的标签原点  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="x">Number of Dots along X-axis(Default value: = 0,Acceptable values: 0 - 9999)</param>  
            /// <param name="y">Number of Dots along Y-axis(Default value: = 0,Acceptable values: 0 - 9999)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFieldOrigin(int x, int y)  
                string _fo = string.Format("^FO{0},{1}", x, y);  
                return _fo.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// Code 128 Bar Code (^BC)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">字体方向  //[N = 正常 (Normal), R = 顺时针旋转90度(Roated), I = 顺时针旋转180度(Inverted), B = 顺时针旋转270度 (Bottom)]</param>  
            /// <param name="h">条码高度 // [默认值:由^BY设置 其他值:1到9999点]</param>  
            /// <param name="f">打印注释行  //[ 默认值: Y = 打印(Yes)其他值:N = 不打印(No]</param>  
            /// <param name="g">将注释行打印在条码上方  //[ 默认值: N = 不打印在条码上方其他值: Y = 打印在条码上方]</param>  
            /// <param name="e"> 打印UCC校验位  // 默认值:Y = 打印(Yes)其他值:N = 不打印(No)</param>  
            /// <param name="m">= 模式  //默认值:N = 不选择模式, 其他值:U = UCC匹配模式></param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _BCCode128(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e, string m)  
                string _bc = string.Format("^BC{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", o, h, f, g, e, m);  
                return _bc.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// Code 128 Bar Code(^BC)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="o">字体方向  //[N = 正常 (Normal), R = 顺时针旋转90度(Roated), I = 顺时针旋转180度(Inverted), B = 顺时针旋转270度 (Bottom)]</param>  
            /// <param name="h">条码高度 // [默认值:由^BY设置 其他值:1到9999点]</param>  
            /// <param name="f">打印注释行  //[ 默认值: Y = 打印(Yes)其他值:N = 不打印(No]</param>  
            /// <param name="g">将注释行打印在条码上方  //[ 默认值: N = 不打印在条码上方其他值: Y = 打印在条码上方]</param>  
            /// <param name="e"> 打印UCC校验位  // 默认值:Y = 打印(Yes)其他值:N = 不打印(No)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _BCCode128(string o, int h, string f, string g, string e)  
                return this._BCCode128(o, h, f, g, e, "N").ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^FD) 字段数据  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="data">打印的数据(字段数据串最多3072字符)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFieldData(string data)  
                string _fd = string.Format("^FD{0}", data);  
                return _fd;  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^FH) 字段的十六进制表示(指令允许你在^FD语句里直接输入任何十六进制值。^FH指令必须在每个^FD指令前才能用)在^FD语句里,十六进制标识必须在每个十六进制值前加入(_)。缺省的十六进制标识是下划线(_)。这指令可以用在任何有数据段的指令里,(如^FD,^FV(段变量),和^SN(串行数据)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _FieldHex()  
                return "^FH".ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            ///  (^SN) 连续数据指令  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="StartingValue">起始值</param>  
            /// <param name="IncrementValue">增加/减少值</param>  
            /// <param name="LeadingZeros">如需要加引导零. 缺省值:N=不 ;其它值:Y=是</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetSerializationData(string StartingValue, int IncrementValue, string LeadingZeros)  
                string _sn = string.Format("^SN{0},{1},{2}", StartingValue, IncrementValue, LeadingZeros.ToUpper());  
                return _sn;  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^PQ) 打印总数  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="q">数量(Total Quantity of Labels to Print)</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintQueantity(int q)  
                string _pq = string.Format("^PQ{0}", q);  
                return _pq.ToUpper();  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PQ)打印总数  
            /// {Exemples: ^PQ50,10,1,Y:---- Print a total quantity of 50 labels with one replicate  
            ///of each serial number. Print the total quantity in groups of 10, but do  
            ///not pause after every group.}  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="q">Total Quantity of Labels to Print  
            /// ;Default value: 1  
            ///;Acceptable values: 1 - 99,999,999</param>  
            /// <param name="p">Pause (‘Group’) Count;  
            /// Default value: 0 = no pause  
            ///Acceptable values: 0 - 99,999,999 labels between pauses  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="r">Replicates of Each Serial Number;  
            /// Default value: 0 = no replicates  
            ///Acceptable values: 0 - 99,999,999 replicates  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="o">Override Pause Count;  
            /// Default value: N = No  
            ///Other value: Y = Yes  
            /// </param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintQueantity(int q, int p, int r, string o)  
                return string.Format("^PQ{0},{1},{2},{3}", q, p, r, o);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PM)Print Mirror Image of Lable(  
            /// NOTE: The ^PM will remain active unless turned off by ^PMN  
            ///instruction or the printer is powered down.)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="a">Mirror Print Entire Label  
            ///Y = Yes  
            ///N = No {I.V.P. = N}</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetMirrorImageLable(string a)  
                return string.Format("^PM{0}", a);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^PO)Print Orientation  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="a">a = Invert 180 Degrees  
            ///N = Normal {I.V.P. = N}  
            ///I = Invert</param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetPrintOrientation(string a)  
                return string.Format("^PO{0}", a);  
            /// <summary>  
            /// (^GF)Graphic Field(图片打印)  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="CompressionType">  
            /// Default:ASCII  
            /// Value:  
            /// A = ACSII Hex:  
            /// This follows the conventional download format  
            /// used for all other download commands.  
            /// B = Binary:  
            /// The data sent to the printer after the ‘c’ parameter  
            /// is strictly binary.   
            /// C = Compression Binary :  
            /// The data sent after parameter ‘c’ is in a compressed  
            /// binary format. The data is compressed on  
            /// the host side using a compression algorithm supplied  
            /// by Zebra. The data is then decompressed  
            /// and placed directly in the bitmap.  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="BinaryByteCount">  
            /// Binary Byte Count  
            /// Default:Note-entire command is ignored when not specified  
            /// Value:Total number of bytes   
            /// Range:1 to 99999  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="GraphicFieldCount">  
            /// Graphic Field Count  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name=";ByteperRow">  
            /// Bytes per Row  
            /// </param>  
            /// <param name="strData">  
            /// Default:None=must be specified  
            /// ASCII Hex Data:  
            /// </param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetGraphicField(string CompressionType, string BinaryByteCount,  
                string GraphicFieldCount, string ByteperRow, string strData)  
                return string.Format("^GF{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", CompressionType.ToUpper(), BinaryByteCount, GraphicFieldCount, ByteperRow, strData);  
            public string _SetFieldNumber(int i)  
                return string.Format("^FN{0}", i);  
            public string _SetRecallFormat(string FieldName)  
                return string.Format("^XF{0}", FieldName);  
            /// <summary>  
            ///(^FWr) Set Field Orientation  
            /// </summary>  
            /// <param name="Orig">Rotate Field  
            /// N = Normal {I.V.P. = N}  
            /// R = Rotated 90 degrees;  
            /// I = Inverted (180 degrees);  
            /// B = Bottom Up (270 degrees read from bottom up).  
            /// </param>  
            /// <returns></returns>  
            public string _SetFieldOrientation(string Orig)  
                return string.Format("^FW{0}", Orig);  