#include #include #include #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 20 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 /*定义堆栈*/ typedef char ElemType; typedef struct{ ElemType *base; ElemType *top; int stacksize; }sqStack; /*初始化栈*/ void initStack(sqStack *s) { /*内存中开辟一段连续空间作为栈空间,首地址赋值给s->base*/ s->base = (ElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType)); if(!s->base) exit(0); /*分配空间失败*/ s->top = s->base; /*最开始,栈顶就是栈底*/ s->stacksize = STACK_INIT_SIZE; /*最大容量为STACK_INIT_SIZE */ } /*入栈操作,将e压入栈中*/ void Push(sqStack *s, ElemType e){ if(s->top - s->base >= s->stacksize){ /*栈满,追加空间*/ s->base = (ElemType *)realloc(s->base, (s->stacksize + STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType)); if(!s->base) exit(0); /*存储分配失败*/ s->top = s->base + s->stacksize; s->stacksize = s->stacksize + STACKINCREMENT; /*设置栈的最大容量*/ } *(s->top) = e; /*放入数据*/ s->top++; } /*出栈操作,用e将栈顶元素返回*/ void Pop(sqStack *s , ElemType *e){ if(s->top == s->base) return; *e = *--(s->top); } /*计算堆栈s当前的长度*/ int StackLen(sqStack s){ return (s.top - s.base) ; } void ADD(sqStack *s1,sqStack *s2,sqStack *s3) { char a1,a2,a3,c=0; /*a1,a2分别存放从堆栈s1,s2中取出的(数据)元素, a3=a1+a2,c中存放进位*/ while(StackLen(*s1)!=0 && StackLen(*s2)!=0) { Pop(s1,&a1); /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/ Pop(s2,&a2); /*取出s2栈的栈顶元素给a2*/ a3 = (a1-48) + (a2-48) + c + 48; /*相加*/ if(a3>'9') { a3 = a3 - '9' + 47; /*产生进位的情况*/ c = 1; } else c = 0; /*不产生进位*/ Push(s3,a3); /*将结果入栈s3*/ } if(StackLen(*s1)!=0) /*栈s1不为空的情况*/ { while(StackLen(*s1)!=0) { Pop(s1,&a1); /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/ a3 = a1 + c ; /*与进位标志c相加*/ if(a3>'9') { a3 = a3 - '9' + 47; /*产生进位的情况*/ c = 1; } else c = 0; /*不产生进位*/ Push(s3,a3); /*将结果入栈s3*/ } } else if(StackLen(*s2)!=0) /*栈s1不为空的情况*/ { while(StackLen(*s2)!=0) { Pop(s2,&a2); /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/ a3 = a2 + c; /*与进位标志c相加*/ if(a3>'9') { a3 = a3 - '9' + 47; /*产生进位的情况*/ c = 1; } else c = 0; /*不产生进位*/ Push(s3,a3); /*栈s1不为空的情况*/ } } if(c==1) Push(s3,'1'); /*如果最后有进位,将字符’1’入栈s3*/ } int main() { char e; sqStack s1,s2,s3; initStack(&s1); /*初始化堆栈s1,存放加数*/ initStack(&s2); /*初始化堆栈s2,存放加数*/ initStack(&s3); /*初始化堆栈s3,存放结果*/ printf("Please input the first integer\n"); /*输入第一个任意长整数,按”#”结尾*/ scanf("%c",&e); while(e!='#') { Push(&s1,e); /*将加数(字符串)入栈s1*/ scanf("%c",&e); } getchar(); /*接收回车符*/ printf("Please input the second integer\n"); /*输入第二个任意长整数,按”#”结尾*/ scanf("%c",&e); while(e!='#') { Push(&s2,e); /*将加数(字符串)入栈s2*/ scanf("%c",&e); } ADD(&s1,&s2,&s3); /*加法运算,将结果存放在s3中*/ printf("The result is\n"); while(StackLen(s3)!=0) /*输出结果,打印在屏幕上*/ { Pop(&s3,&e); printf("%c",e); } return 0;