#ifndef H_FILELOGS_H #define H_FILELOGS_H #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #define MAX_FILE_LEN 5242880 //5M #define MAX_PATH_LEN 300 #define RTN_FAIL -1 #define RTN_SUCCESS 0 #define WriteLog(Msg) WriteMsgLog(__FILE__,__LINE__,Msg) class CFileLogs { public: CFileLogs(); virtual ~CFileLogs(); bool IsOpen(); int init(int iLogLevel,const char *pcDebugLogFileName); bool OpenFile(char *); bool OpenNewOutputFile(char *); bool GetLock(); int WriteMsgLog(const char *,int,const char *); int WriteOutputMsg(const char *); public: char m_FileName[MAX_PATH_LEN + FILENAME_MAX + 1]; int m_LogLevel; private: bool m_lock; FILE *m_file; private: bool CheckFile(); void GetTimeStr(char *); }; #endif
// filelogs.cpp: implementation of the CFileLogs class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "filelogs.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CFileLogs::CFileLogs() { m_lock = false; m_file = NULL; } CFileLogs::~CFileLogs() { if(m_file != NULL) fclose(m_file); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public method ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CFileLogs::GetLock() { if(m_lock == true) return false; m_lock = true; return true; } bool CFileLogs::IsOpen() { if(m_file != NULL) return true; else return false; } int CFileLogs::init(int iLogLevel,const char *pcDebugLogFileName) { this->m_LogLevel = iLogLevel; //if log level less than 1 , then don't open log file if (this->m_LogLevel > 0) { if (pcDebugLogFileName == NULL) { return RTN_FAIL; }else { strcpy(this->m_FileName, pcDebugLogFileName); //this->m_DebugLogFileName = strDuplicate(pcDebugLogFileName); } } FILE *logFile=NULL; if (this->m_LogLevel >= 3) { logFile = fopen(this->m_FileName,(char *)"a+"); if (logFile == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file %s to write!\n", this->m_FileName); return RTN_FAIL; } fclose(logFile); } return RTN_SUCCESS; } bool CFileLogs::OpenFile(char *filePathAndName) { if(filePathAndName == NULL) return false; sprintf(m_FileName, filePathAndName); if((m_file = fopen(m_FileName, "a")) == NULL) return false; return true; } bool CFileLogs::OpenNewOutputFile(char *filePathAndName) { if(filePathAndName == NULL) return false; if( IsOpen() ) fclose(m_file); sprintf(m_FileName, filePathAndName); if((m_file = fopen(m_FileName, "a")) == NULL) return false; return true; } int CFileLogs::WriteMsgLog(const char *pcsrcfile,int line,const char *strMsg) { char buf[100]; CheckFile(); if(m_file == NULL) m_file = fopen(m_FileName, "a"); if(m_file != NULL && strMsg != NULL) { GetTimeStr(buf); fprintf(m_file, "[%s]line[%d][%s] %s\n",pcsrcfile,line,buf,strMsg);//pcsrcfile fflush( m_file ); } else { return 0; } m_lock = false; return 1; } int CFileLogs::WriteOutputMsg(const char *strMsg) { if (m_file == NULL) m_file = fopen(m_FileName, "a"); if (m_file != NULL && strMsg != NULL) { fprintf(m_file, "%s\n",strMsg); fflush( m_file ); } else { return 0; } m_lock = false; return 1; } bool CFileLogs::CheckFile() { struct stat statBuf; int nRet; char strNewName[500]; struct tm * pTime; if(m_file == NULL) return false; nRet = fstat( #ifdef LINUX fileno(m_file) #else #ifdef HPUX fileno(m_file) #else m_file->_file #endif #endif , &statBuf ); if( nRet != 0 ) { printf( "CFileLogs:Bad file handle!\n" ); return false; } else { if(statBuf.st_size > MAX_FILE_LEN) { pTime = localtime(&statBuf.st_mtime); sprintf( strNewName, "%sY%dM%dD%dH%dM%dS%d", m_FileName, pTime->tm_year + 1900, pTime->tm_mon+1, pTime->tm_mday, pTime->tm_hour, pTime->tm_min, pTime->tm_sec); fclose(m_file); m_file = NULL; rename(m_FileName, strNewName); } } return true; } void CFileLogs::GetTimeStr(char *pStr) { time_t ltime; struct tm *pNow,now; time(<ime); #ifdef WIN32 pNow = localtime(<ime); #else pNow = localtime_r(<ime, &now); #endif sprintf(pStr, (char *)"%2d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", pNow->tm_year + 1900, pNow->tm_mon+1, pNow->tm_mday, pNow->tm_hour, pNow->tm_min, pNow->tm_sec); return; }