function fileToArray($file) { if (!$array = file($file)) { die("fileToArray: Could not read file!"); } return $array; } function fileToString($file) { if (!$string = file_get_contents($file)) { die("fileToString: Could not read file!"); } return $string; } function stringToFile($file, $string) { if (!$handle = fopen($file,"w")) { die("stringToFile: Could not open file"); } if (!fwrite($handle, $string)) die("stringToFile: Could not write file"); } fclose($handle); // Should the close handle be error checked, or would I be over doing it? } function arrayToFile($file, $array) { if (!$handle = fopen($file,"w")) { die("arrayToFile: Could not open file"); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($i == count($array) - 1) { if (!fputs($handle, $array[$i])) { die("arrayToFile: Could not write file"); } } else { if (!fputs($handle, $array[$i]."\n")) { die("arrayToFile: Could not write file"); } } } fclose($handle); }